Implementation Consulting

The IntelliTime implementation team brings years of experience to your time and attendance and scheduling project.

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IntelliTime has a unique capacity to supply goods and best practices from other Public Sector clients across North America due to our exclusive emphasis on the Public Sector.

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    Implementation Consulting

    The IntelliTime implementation team brings years of experience to your time and attendance and scheduling project. Whether your project goals are to conduct a fast implementation of web timecards with basic accruals and overtime rules, or a large, complex Public Sector project with civil service, unions, local work rules, 24 x 7 scheduling, cost accounting, time clocks, mobile applications and interfaces, the IntelliTime Implementation Services Team will help your project reach a successful conclusion. Our exclusive focus on the Public Sector provides IntelliTime with a unique ability to deliver products and best practices from other Public Sector clients across North America.

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    Discovery Process

    Every Public Sector organization has its own unique environment, culture and best practices. Our discovery process is aimed at determining what they are, and how they will factor into the project. Each IntelliTime implementation starts with a discovery period to learn the unique ways in which your organization has implemented basic timekeeping and scheduling policies. Documenting work rules, schedules, leave and time reporting policies are all parts of this step. For Union or Public Safety-related projects, a review of the MOUs is included.

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    Communication Plan

    It is critical to communicate from the top to the bottom of your organization during a Workforce Automation project. In fact, it is impossible to over-communicate! The organization’s newly streamlined and automated processes will provide significant time savings over manual timekeeping procedures and improved accuracy, but each user needs to clearly understand the impact on their job and the training that will be provided to ensure everyone is up to speed on the new technologies and procedures. An understanding of the new procedures and processes will be instrumental in maintaining organizational buy-in.

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    System Configuration and Test Plan

    Most projects require the development of a test plan, and this can run from ten pages for basic timekeeping to several hundred pages for complex projects. Unique timekeeping scenarios and approval workflows are configured and tested before the system is turned over to the organization’s system administrator and payroll staff. Test Plan scenarios will ensure that the administrators are familiar with all online edits and procedures before users are added to the system.

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    Change Management Consulting

    Our successful track record is due in large part to our sensitivity to Change Management. Many projects move customers from paper-based systems to state-of-the-art timekeeping and scheduling. We have learned that a key success factor is auditing the “As Is” processes and cross referencing them with the “Will Be” processes so users are clear what the process changes entail and why.


Live, instructor-led training is provided to system administrators and payroll clerks, either on site or remotely through GoToMeeting and Microsoft Teams. Sessions are held in half-day increments recognizing the need for staff to have time each day for their everyday jobs.


The Test Plan is used as a guide for the customer specific use cases to validate the correct configuration of the system and familiarize the administrators with their processes as viewed within IntelliTime. The powerful, yet simple IntelliTime Administrator training is provided in multiple sessions as a single class, not dozens of classes and sessions. Users and supervisors can also take advantage of our instructor-led training.

User classes can include small groups in an on-site training room, or hundreds of attendees in an auditorium setting. Even though the IntelliTime system is intuitive and easy to use, the live training provides a chance for users to ask questions of the IntelliTime instructor. Supervisor training can be conducted hands-on in a client training room equipped with standard PCs or workstations. Studies have shown that users who attend instructor-led training know about and use 50% more of the features of the IntelliTime system than users who did not attend training. Our proven training methodology provides a great way to maximize the return on investment of an IntelliTime solution.